Are You Home Alone? No, You Are Not Here is How to Know in Vancouver

There is not a single home where pest does not exist. Pests are always present in our homes whether we like them or not. They come in different shapes and sizes and they reproduce quickly. Some of these pests are harmless, and some can be very dangerous to our health. Pests are sometimes good and sometimes they are bad. But one thing remain constant, they are always present in our homes.

Pest being in your home is not the issue here the main issue start when the pest begins to interfere in your daily life. This can be a big problem because they can contaminate your food, damage your property, and spread diseases. If you think that you have a pest problem, it is important to take action immediately. Pest can take so much time to get rid of, and it is one thing that you cannot waste since we all know the saying time is money.

How Many Types of Pest Can be Found in Your Home?

There are so many types of pests that can be found in your home. The most common pests are ants, cockroaches, rats, and mice. These type of pests are usually found in the kitchen or bathroom because these are the places where there is food or water.

Other pests that can be found in your home are termites, bedbugs, and spiders. These pests are usually found in the bedroom or living room because these are the places where there is furniture or fabric.

The last type of pest that can be found in your home is the mosquito. Mosquitoes are usually found in the backyard or porch because these are the places where there is standing water.

These are some of the very common pests that we listed above, if you actually went on a search inside your home, you would be surprised to know how many pests are actually present in your home.

What Attracts Pests into Your Home?

  • There are many things that can attract pests into your home. The most common attractants are food, water, and shelter, it could also be you.
  • Food is the most common attractant for pests because they need to eat to survive. They will eat anything from your food to your pet’s food.
  • Water is the second most common attractant for pests because they need to drink to survive. They will drink anything from your water to your pet’s water.
  • The shelter is the third most common attractant for pests because they need a place to live. They will live anywhere from your furniture to your clothing.
  • You are the last attractant for pests because you provide them with all of the above.

Now that you know what attracts pests into your home, you need to take action to prevent them from coming in.

Preventing Pests from Coming Into Your Home

The best way to prevent pests from coming into your home is to keep them out in the first place. This can be done by sealing all cracks and holes on the outside of your home. You should also remove all food and water sources, and eliminate all shelter sources. If you do this, you will make your home much less attractive to them.

Calling a Pest Control

Calling a pest control company in Vancouver like Pesticon should be your number priority as you cannot go around and find solutions on your own. If your pest problem is under control you can always use spray or any other kind of poison to kill them but if the problem has gotten out of hand, you need a professional to take care of it.

Pesticon will come to your home and inspect it for pests. They will then identify the type of pest and develop a treatment plan. The treatment plan will be tailored specifically for your home and your pest problem. Contact us today.

Our Pest Control GUARANTEE

  • Services Guaranteed for 6 Months
  • Same Day or Next Day Service
  • Call Back Within 30 Minutes 8am - 8pm 7 Days / Week

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