3 Odd Places Spiders Might Hide in Your House

Spiders are skilled concealers and can squirm their way into various odd spaces, many of which we may never consider! In the crevices of your home, spiders are not unusual, but what about all the areas you can’t usually see? Ready for a bit of exploration? Then read on as we uncover all the strange places spiders love lurking! We’ll look at some of the most inventive hiding places spiders may employ in this blog article so you’ll know where to look if you ever find yourself hosting an unpleasant eight-legged visitor in your home.

  • In the Shower

It’s common to get the occasional spider cruising around your house, especially in the summer months. One of the oddest places a spider might hide is in your shower! Yes, it may creep you out while you’re trying to get clean and relax, but it turns out that your bathroom may be one of the best places for them to make their home.

Spiders love dark, isolated areas to protect themselves from predators and make webs. They also love moisture and heat—perfectly found in showers. Still, feeling arachnophobic? Make sure you inspect tight corners or behind any soap containers the next time you hop in for a steamy weekly scrub.

  • Behind the Television

It may be the last place you look for a spider in your house, but you should consider checking behind the television. Spiders enjoy the darkness and tight spaces behind a television, making it a great spot to hide away. Many people are unaware of their presence, as spiders will remain completely still to avoid detection. But, if you look closely, you can catch one peeking out from its hiding spot.

Furthermore, this hidden home is easily accessible to all the necessary food sources; mice and other bugs often crawl into any space they can find and behind the TV presents plenty of opportunity. So next time you think a spider lurks in your house, remember to check that forgotten area behind your TV.

  • Between the Cushions of a Couch or Chair

Have you ever gone to sit on the couch only to jump back up at the sight of an eight-legged pest? It can be startling, but spiders might be more common in odd places in your house than you’d think. They may even hide between the cushions of a couch or chair, giving them prime real estate for hunting prey with ease. It can be advantageous to contact a pest control company for assistance if this occurs to you.

Depending on what type of spiders are found and the pest control plan used, the company will either do a removal or extermination process for those pesky crawlers. Don’t let the fear of spiders ruin your relaxation time – call a pest control company today!

Final Words

Don’t panic if you spot a spider in your home – they may be hiding and set up an unexpected hideout. Before assuming the worst, search inside drawers and cabinets or check around air conditioning units for webs or signs of activity that indicate their presence. If all else fails, contact us to gain peace of mind about any potential infestation!

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