How to Avoid Insect Stings and Bites When You’re Outside

It is common to get stung or bitten by an insect, and most bites and stings are only minor irritations. Some stings, however, can be painful and cause serious allergic reactions. The most common biting insects in Canada are midges, mosquitoes, fleas, bedbugs, spiders, and mites. Wasps, bees, and hornets are among the insects that sting.

To feed on your blood, an insect bites you by making a hole in your skin. As a means of defence, insects inject venom into your skin. Most bug bites are harmless, but some can spread dangerous diseases such as Zika, dengue, Lyme, and malaria. Especially if you’re travelling to an area with insect-borne diseases, it’s essential to reduce your risk.

We recommend the following tips to help prevent bug bites:

Repellent Can Be Used To Repel Insects

To avoid mosquitoes, ticks, and other insects while spending time outdoors, use insect repellent that contains 20 to 30 percent DEET. Reapply the repellent as directed and always follow the instructions on the container. Apply the insect repellent after the sunscreen has dried. Sunscreens that contain insect repellent should not be used because sunscreen should be applied liberally and often, while insect repellent should be used separately. If you are someone who likes to enjoy outdoor activities in your backyard but is afraid that you may have a pest problem, you can contact pest control services to help you keep the pest at bay. 

Wear Appropriate Clothing

You should wear appropriate clothing when going out at night or hiking in densely wooded areas. Wear long-sleeved shirts, pants, socks, and closed-toed shoes rather than sandals to cover the exposed skin as much as possible. You should put your socks over your pants and tuck your shirt into your pants for extra protection. Also, you can use insect repellent that contains the active ingredient Permethrin on the outer layers of clothing. Wear the clothes after allowing them to dry for two hours. Follow the directions carefully.

Use Bed Nets

Protect yourself from mosquitoes by using bed nets when sleeping outdoors. Choose a pre-treated pyrethroid product. Tuck it under the mattress if it doesn’t reach the floor. Although one makes every effort to avoid bug bites, they can still occur. The majority of bug bites and stings are safe to treat at home.

Our home treatment recommendations for bug bites and stings are as follows:

  • Ibuprofen or acetaminophen are over-the-counter painkillers you can take for bites that hurt. Use the correct dosage as directed on the label.
  • Ice packs or anti-itch creams, like hydrocortisone, can be applied to bites that itch. Oral antihistamines are also available over-the-counter.
  • You also can apply ice packs to the bite to reduce swelling.


Working outdoors or participating in outdoor activities, such as camping or hiking, puts you at risk of being stung or bitten. When you’re outdoors, use insect repellent and cover your skin to avoid getting stung. It’s best to stay calm and back away slowly if you encounter wasps, hornets, or bees. Avoid waving your arms and swatting at them. For more information on you can contact us and we would be happy to assist you. 

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