What are Cockroaches Attracted to in Your Home in Vancouver?

It is common to find cockroaches in households. The insects are usually found in moist and food-rich environments. Besides being a nuisance, kitchen cockroaches can contaminate food and spread diseases. A cockroach’s habitat is not limited to households. Commercial establishments, such as restaurants and hospitals, are also susceptible to cockroach infestations.

It can be challenging to get rid of them if you are a homeowner. Keeping your home free of cockroaches is achievable through routine pest control. You may, however, have to spend some money on it. In some cases, you can get rid of cockroaches yourself.

How do cockroaches get attracted to your home?

Cockroaches prefer a warm, moist environment. Food and water lure them. In addition to rotting meat and pet feces, cockroaches feed on plants.

Cockroaches can infest your kitchen for a number of reasons.

Unsealed garbage bags and trash cans

An open trash can is a breeding ground for cockroaches. A sealed garbage bag may make you think it’s safe from cockroaches. But cockroaches are very resourceful, and they can get into even the tiniest opening.

The pests don’t just eat food; they also eat materials that other pests can’t eat. Even dandruff can be found in it, along with paper, drywall, glue, and hair. The cockroaches may be looking for residue and spills left inside the trash can. Keep garbage cans in well-lit areas and tight-fitting lids to prevent roaches from getting attracted to them.

Dirty dishes and food scraps

We all leave the dishes in the sink overnight from time to time. Flies and cockroaches are attracted to this as well. As scavengers, cockroaches eat leftover food. Cockroaches will feast on your dirty dishes if you leave them in the sink overnight.

Cockroaches are attracted to dirty dishes due to food particles and odours. Besides spilled food, they will also eat leftover residue from your drinking glasses or even on the floor. The cockroaches will begin to multiply and infest your kitchen upon spotting the food source. If food spills, make sure you clean them up as soon as possible and wash dirty dishes as soon as possible in the dishwasher or by hand. If food sits out overnight, it will go bad. If you have an infestation, don’t hesitate to call a pest control company.

Humid environment

When water is available, cockroaches can survive for longer periods without food as long as moisture is present. Cockroaches are attracted to humid kitchen environments. A leaky faucet, a sweating pipe, or even a humidifier can attract cockroaches.


In addition to searching for water sources, cockroaches will also look for water leftover after cooking. The kitchen, the laundry room, and the bathroom are the most likely areas to find them.

They are also typically found in refrigerators, ovens, dishwashers, and water dispensers. You should look in these areas when you think you have a cockroach infestation. When you call cockroach exterminators, they will handle all of this for you.

Close and dark spaces like kitchen cabinets

Dark, confined spaces are ideal for cockroaches. They feel secure and protected. When conducting a kitchen inspection, you will usually find roaches here. You will notice that they multiply as soon as they get into your kitchen cabinets.

In addition to crumbs, spilled food, and even old food, there are many food sources in your cabinets. Maintain a well-sealed kitchen cabinet so that cockroaches cannot enter.


In conclusion, the best way to get rid of cockroaches is to kill them, but if you don’t, you can at least do some things to keep them away. Cockroaches are attracted to many different things, and you can use that to your advantage. For example, they’ll be attracted to food, so if you have any leftovers in your refrigerator, put them in a tightly sealed container and put that in a cool place. They’ll also be attracted to many wet things, so make sure that your home is well-maintained and that there is no standing water anywhere in the house. Cockroaches are also attracted to dark and damp places, so make sure that your home is well-lit and that you’ve got a well-functioning heating system. And lastly, cockroaches will be attracted to the smell of your home, so make sure that you’re not using any chemicals or cleaning products that may be harmful to your family. For more information on cockroach removal, call our experts, and we will make sure your house is safe from these pests.

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