What Attracts Cockroaches To Your House

You were hungry in the middle of the night, so you went to the kitchen to get something from the fridge. To your surprise, a few cockroaches were already there, near the sink, having a midnight snack. So disgusting, right? We all hate these little pests.

You try your best to get rid of them, but they just keep coming back. What is it that attracts them to your house again and again? Well, the answer to this question is not simple. Rather than asking about what attracts roaches, you should probably rephrase it as what doesn’t attract the cockroaches. Almost everything that we leave outside can be an invitation for them.

If you have a roach infestation, you should immediately call a cockroach removal service in Vancouver. Here’s what you need to know about a few of the common things the roaches get attracted to and how you can get rid of them.

So, let’s not wait any longer.

Continue reading to find out.

What attracts the roaches to your house? 

Food is everyone’s basic need, whether it’s humans, animals, birds, or pests. The same is true for cockroaches. They want food, but that’s not the problem. The problem is that they can eat almost anything. If you want to know specifically about what kind of places roaches love, then let us tell you that they would look for warm, humid climates.

Here are some of the things the cockroaches get attracted to.

  • Dirty dishes
  • Garbage
  • Excess moisture
  • Crumbs on the ground
  • Pet food on the floor
  • Leftover food in empty cans

How do they enter the house? 

Some of the things that the cockroaches get attracted to are mentioned above. Now, the question is, how do they magically appear whenever any such thing is available?  They have to find some way to get into your house to annoy and frustrate you.

Some of the common ways they enter into your house are:

  • Cracks and crevices
  • Holes in pipes and vents
  • Any space in the windows
  • The small space under the doors

These are just the main entryways. They can get into your house in many other ways.

How to get rid of roaches? 

Here we will give you some tips on how you can avoid these roaches in your house.

  1. Clean your home thoroughly: We all have observed the roaches at the dirtiest places. That means they are always attracted to dirty and filthy places. That’s why you have to try your best always to keep your home clean. Especially the kitchen. For example, don’t leave out the dishes uncleaned. Wash them right after eating the meal. Secondly, don’t forget to keep your food in a sealed container.
  2. Store-bought traps: You can find these traps at the stores easily. This is an amazing technique to get rid of them. This works by using the scent or some other baits which attract the cockroaches.
  3. Liquid concentrates: This is one more product that works perfectly to deter cockroaches. You just need to dilute it and spray it on the places where they are likely to be found.

These techniques could help you to get rid of the roaches to some extent. However, the best solution is to get help from a professional pest control company. They’d carry out the pest treatment, and you just need to sit back, relax and see the magic.


Few things can attract the roaches to your house, such as the dirty dishes in your kitchen, Garbage, excess moisture, etc. Make sure you keep your home well cleaned, and all the food is sealed. It would help you to get rid of the cockroaches.

Contact us now to get help regarding the roach infestation.

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