A general consensus among homeowners about pests and bugs is that they invade only filthy places. So, they are surprised when they find roaches or flies in their home.

Clean Up! Garbage Attracts Unwanted Pests and Bugs

A general consensus among homeowners about pests and bugs is that they invade only filthy places. So, they are surprised when they find roaches or flies in their home. ‘How could they enter our home? Its spic and span.’ Well, maybe you are not cleaning in the right places. There is a reason why pets…

pest control solutions for warehouses

Pest Control Solutions For Warehouses

Solutions For Warehouses Pest control has become an integral part of the manufacturing chain, especially for logistic service providers. Keeping warehouses free of pests is a critical requirement to ensure compliance with third party audits. And after the Montreal Protocol, most businesses have shifted the focus towards an Integrated Pest control plan that includes prevention…

Industrial Pest Control Methods

Industrial Pest Control Methods

There is no place for pests in the food and beverage industry. Apart from being detrimental to the reputation of the company, pest activity can also result in prosecution and even closure of the facility. But due to a combination of multiple factors, many of which are extremely difficult to control, pests can find a…

Bedbugs are hard to kill, here is why

Bedbugs are hard to kill, here is why

  Ask any homeowner who has dealt with a bedbug infestation, how hard these tiny critters are to kill. And they will narrate their horror story to you. Waking up in the middle of the night suspecting that the vampires are it again. Throwing away everything that had small bloodspots on it fearing that the…

Hornets, a dangerous invasion on your property

Hornets, a dangerous invasion on your property

As spring comes to an end, it is time to enjoy the great outdoors with some barbeque in the backyard. How prepared are you for the uninvited guests though?   Summers are also Hornet season in Vancouver. And you’d want to ensure that you keep your children safe from their nasty stings. As the summer…

Keeping your Vancouver properties mosquito free

Keeping your Vancouver properties mosquito free

  Spring in Vancouver has been witnessing record setting cold rainy days. Along with forcing the coats and the mittens out of the wardrobe, it is also bringing mosquitos into homes in impossibly huge numbers. And some of them are newer species which were previously unseen. One of the reasons for this sudden surge in…

How to keep your kids safe from mosquitos and other pests

How to keep your kids safe from mosquitos and other pests

Parents make a conscious and continual effort to safeguard the health of their children. Medications are locked away. Harsh chemicals are kept out of reach. The house is baby-proofed. But what about the pests and bugs which can invade your home potentially exposing your children to dangerous diseases? In recent times, there has been a…

Heat Treatment for pest control

How Heat Treatment for pest control works

Despite being aware of the potential health hazards caused by roaches, mosquitoes and rodents, families are beginning to shy away from using traditional pest control methods due to the more severe health effects of pesticide exposure. Let’s face it. Nobody likes bug infestations. But would you risk exposing your children to chemicals that can affect…

Modern chemical treatments for pest control

Modern chemical treatments for pest control are safe and work

  For many years, pest control meant the nonchalant use of insecticides and rodenticides to control infestations even in residential areas. Use of chemicals like chlorpyrifos and diazinon were rampant. Incidentally, both these chemicals were banned in 2001 by the EPA as Carcinogens. Today, however, due to increased awareness, use of dangerous chemicals in pest…

How to deal with pest infestations in a restaurant – hire the right professionals

Removing silverfish from your home

There’s something about Silverfish that makes them an unbearable sight. Yes. They are harmless. But they are also slimy and downright disgusting. They feed on everything starchy, which includes books, dead skin (eww) and live in dark and moist places in your home that you never knew about. If you are pulling your hair out…

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