pest control solutions for warehouses

Pest Control Solutions For Warehouses

Solutions For Warehouses Pest control has become an integral part of the manufacturing chain, especially for logistic service providers. Keeping warehouses free of pests is a critical requirement to ensure compliance with third party audits. And after the Montreal Protocol, most businesses have shifted the focus towards an Integrated Pest control plan that includes prevention…

Hornets, a dangerous invasion on your property

Hornets, a dangerous invasion on your property

As spring comes to an end, it is time to enjoy the great outdoors with some barbeque in the backyard. How prepared are you for the uninvited guests though?   Summers are also Hornet season in Vancouver. And you’d want to ensure that you keep your children safe from their nasty stings. As the summer…

Bedbugs are hard to kill, here is why

Bedbugs are hard to kill, here is why

  Ask any homeowner who has dealt with a bedbug infestation, how hard these tiny critters are to kill. And they will narrate their horror story to you. Waking up in the middle of the night suspecting that the vampires are it again. Throwing away everything that had small bloodspots on it fearing that the…

Bugs that cause Lyme disease

Bugs that cause Lyme disease

  There’s no better way to enjoy the beautiful summers than to be outdoor. Whether it is in your backyard or in a park, there’s a plethora of activities to be done in the amazing weather. But it also brings with it an unprecedented risk of getting bitten by bugs. While there are some bites,…

Basements and the bugs they can be home to

Basements and the bugs they can be home to

  Due to the increased awareness about the potential health hazards that pests can bring with them, homeowners are diligent about keeping their premises clean. But very often, the seasonal maintenance overlooks certain areas of the home that are more likely to be chosen by pests as their nesting grounds. The most common ones are…

How to deal with spiders in your home

How to deal with spiders in your home

  Most homeowners have zero tolerance for anything that’s tiny and crawls or scuttles around the house. And if it has 8 legs, it’s the worst kind. Arachnophobes may have a tough time this year as spider populations are soaring and a lot of these tiny critters may seek refuge in your home. Contrary to…

Why bugs keep coming back, hire a professional

Why bugs keep coming back, hire a professional

  After weeks of using a homemade Borax and Sugar mix, the ants finally seem to have disappeared. You heave a sigh of relief. No more ant armies foraging your sink and dishwasher for food crumbs leaving the kids screaming in horror. And then, it happens. One fine day you wake up to find that…

Eliminating a Cockroach infestation in your home

Eliminating a Cockroach infestation in your home

  They are tiny, repulsive, live in the filthiest corners of the world and the worst part, they come in the masses. ‘La Cucaracha’ or the cockroach has a reputation that far precedes it. Even the sight of a single cockroach is enough for homeowners to panic. Some are just revolted by the icky critters…

Dealing with Carpenter Ants

Dealing with Carpenter Ants

A common but glaring mistake that homeowners often make, is to ignore signs of a pest infestation, until the problem becomes a lot more severe. Not recommended! This is particularly true, in the case of ant infestations. What starts with one or two ants being seen around the house, quickly increases into the hundreds and…

Keeping offices free of pests

Keeping offices free of pests

  If you are a facility manager, then one of the key responsibilities that you are entrusted with, is to maintain the hygiene in the premises. And chances are, that you are making every attempt to make this possible. But every now and then, you have a ‘blink and a miss’ sight of a roach…

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